SAP Business One Powered By SAP HANA

Leverages the power of SAP HANA in-memory computing to help small businesses run smarter, faster, and simpler in order to develop competitive advantage.



Get real-time business information at the moment you need it so you can clearly define and focus on the right priorities.



Empower employees with information search capabilities and interactive analysis tools to help them become more productive and independent of IT staff.



Maintain a simplified IT landscape with a solution priced for small businesses and designed for scalability.



Leverage a single platform for analytics and transactions to get unprecedented insight-to-action capabilities. Take advantage of real-time apps for cash flow and other processes to solve “un-solvable” problems.


SAP Business One HANA Features

Fiori – Style Cockpit

  • Role-based cockpit based on HTML5

  • Predefined roles in sales, purchasing, finance and inventory

  • Fiori-style

  • Widgets can be selected from Widgets Gallery

  • Simplifies access to information

  • Improves user experience


  • Process flow widget to create and manage documents for:

    • Sales

    • Purchasing

    • Inventory management

    • Financials

  • Guides user through key business processes

  • Provides easy access to related functions

  • Instructions for implementation -> SAP note, clip

Advanced Available to Promise (ATP)

  • Obtain real-time inventory transparency

  • Aggregate inventory on hand, promised and desired dynamically

  • Minimize costs by re-scheduling sales orders

Advanced Available to Promise
Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash Flow Forecasting

  • Gain a complete, accurate and timely picture of your cash flow

  • Include optionally open documents like POs and sales orders in calculations

  • Assess probability of payment with sophisticated calculations

Intelligent Forecast

  • Statistical forecast with built-in models, incorporating trends and seasonal factors.

    • TESM (Triple Exponential Smoothing)

    • LRDTSA (Linear Regression with Damped Trend and Seasonal Adjust)

  • SAP Business One automatically selects the best algorithm.

  • Hindcast to dynamically adjust outlier and what-if scenarios.

  • Forecast results can be used in MRP wizard.

Intelligent Forecast
Enterprise Search

Enterprise Search

  • Access the most relevant SAP Business One data with freestyle search

  • Locate business information just as you would do a search on the internet

  • Enjoy a seamless user experience

  • Search Templates

  • Filter on dates

  • Sort results

  • Configurable search scope

Customer 360°

  • New advanced dashboard provides a 360° customer view.

  • Contains numerous KPIs and key customer data.

  • Accessed via Business Partner Master Data -> You Can Also.

  • Link the Customer 360° advanced dashboard as an action to an existing dashboard for easy access.

Customer 360°
Delivery Schedule Management

Delivery Schedule Management

  • Stay on top of your scheduled deliveries, changing quantities on the fly

  • Reallocate quantities of documents to fulfill the quantity of the target document

  • Preview and confirm the outcome

  • See scheduled delivery date and quantity of:

    • Sales orders & A/R reserve invoices with positive quantity

    • Inventory transfer requests

    • Production orders

    • Purchase orders & A/P reserve invoices with negative quantity

Excel Reports

  • Reporting tool based on Excel.

  • Utilizes SAP Business One Semantic Layer (SAP HANA views) as data source.

  • Fully integrated with SAP Business One.

  • Leverage the power of Excel.

  • Excel Report Designer tool delivered as Excel add-on.

  • Enables better decision-making.

Excel Reports
Pervasive Analytics

Pervasive Analytics


  • Embed dashboards in transaction screens or in cockpit

  • Enable front line employees to see data needed to make business decisions – at the moment it’s needed

  • Reflect tranzactional activity as it happens with real-time analysis

  • Predict future behavior with forecasting capabilities

Advanced Dashboards

  • Ability to create supplementary dashboards to display related data for pervasive dashboards or KPI widgets

  • Add filters to break down the displayed results

  • Display critical data grouped on a dedicated dashboard

  • Quick access to related business analysis and KPIs

Unique Mobile App Scenarios for the iPad

  • Enterprise search integration

  • Cash flow forecast dashboard

  • Delivery rescheduling for existing sales order items

  • Available-to-Promise (ATP) check when creating sales orders

  • Embedded analytics, with interactive analysis for business partners and inventory

Unique Mobile App Scenarios for the iPad
Interactive Analysis

Interactive Analysis

  • Helps users explore more information before making decisions

  • Improves productivity by putting the user in control of information

  • Leverages familiar MS Excel pivot tables to make analysis work quick and simple